Year 5 Science Home Learning Workbook Bundle
This 5 Workout book bundle is ideal for Year 5 students learning Evolution and Inheritance, Lights, Electric Circuits & Circulation and Keeping Safe because it is jam-packed with fun practise questions. Each subject has a variety of questions, with a mixed segment at the end of the book that tests children on what they've learned — all of which are clearly set out with plenty of space for writing responses. We've also thrown in some realistic mini-projects to help them hone their skills. The pull-out centre pages contain answers to all of the questions, as well as a convenient A3 key-facts poster that children can colour. Comes with a study book explaining each topic clearly with examples.
Included in the Year 5 Science Home Learning Workbook Bundle:
- Circulation and Keeping Safe
- Light
- Electrical Circuits & Living Things
- Evolution & Inheritance
- KS2 Science Study Book